Monday, January 23, 2012

23rd of January

What a day.  What a weird, strange day.  We had a great morning running off to pick up a wooden garage from a house in Dulwich Hill (have I mentioned before how much I love freecycle?!).  These Plan Toys garages are pretty expensive new, but free is a price I can handle.  We were all in great spirits, singing along, chatting away.  Drove to Newtown to pick up a little present, stopped for a drink, saw a friend, all good.

Then we drive to our local 'big park' to catch up with Regan and Sol and it was here that the wheels fell off.  Ted, for the first time in his life, had a poo accident.  First time EVER!  And I just don't carry wipes or anything like that with me.  Hell, I never have with Ted actually.  I even just took out a spare pair of undies the other week that had been knocking about in my bag for ages unused.   It wasn't as if he was sick, I don't quite know what on earth it was.  I guess I should have listened to that little whisper that said I should put him on the toilet at the cafe, despite his protestations. 

So of course he was hysterical, pants free and stinky.  Luckily there was a nearby tap!  Then Harriet had a meltdown about the flying fox not working and since I'd been interrupted at every second sentence in my attempts to have a conversation, I thought bugger it.  We're going home!

So off we traipsed and Harriet went into the front room to read and listen to her relaxing cd (very kindly given to her by Alina and Oscar the other day and which has been heavily used since).  Ted went down for a nap.  And I attempted to read.  This is what I currently have sitting next to my computer but to be honest with you all, not much reading goes on during January. And I realise that everyone who's everyone read Arundhati Roy about ten years ago, but I had a feeling it was magic realism (a genre I particularly dislike - right up there with poetry about animals. I'd rather chew my tongue out thank you very much).  So there it sat, on the mental bookshelf, not to be touched.  But I was determined to continue my foray into India after finishing Sarah Macdonald's highly entertaining account of her time living in India.  So I found it on the bookshelf and lo and behold, it's not magic realism at all.  Phew!

I thought I might also have a look at crafting.  More specifically - sewing.  I had cut up some parts for a skirt ages ago.  Agggggeeessss ago.  In fact it was so long ago that I looked for the pieces all weekend and couldn't find them and then stumbled across them (literally) in the front room today.  So I took it as a sign to get my butt into gear and so out the pieces were pulled and I pretended that I wasn't scared witless at the thought of making something for myself.  With fabric I really like.  That needs to fit properly.  With a zipper.  And pockets.  Oh yeah me, always tackling things a little above my weight.  No wonder it's been sitting in a basket!

 An hour after Ted woke up, Ted woke up.  It takes him an hour some days and it drives me crazy!  Poor Zoe dropped in just after he first woke up and saw the demon that lieth within Ted.  He does not take kindly to being woken prematurely at all.  But as you can see, he fell into his own element shortly after.  Can you guess what he's doing in this photo?  No?  Go on, take a guess.  I didn't take a photo of the puddle but yes, he's doing a wee, you can take my word for it.

The children played a few of their own little games.  Since Arrietty Harriet has turned her little Sylvanian Families dogs into a Borrowers family.  They keep taking little bits and bobs (here they are munching down on some delicious, highly fragrant basil leaves - their 'stew').  I also receive little presents from the borrowing family's smallest member too.

 I could see this photo about to happen and took the snap.  Harriet was convinced there was a cricket up her skirt.  Of course there wasn't and she was just being crazy, but Ted wanted to check and make sure.  Oh this one is coming out at their twenty firsts for sure.

And when you ask Harriet to lie on the grass to get a photo for your daily photo project, this is what you get.  Some photographers get incredibly soulful, beautiful portraits of their children during this month.  This is what I get.  Crap photographer or psychotic child?  You be the judge and I'll tell you - IT'S THE CHILD!

 And for the rest for the afternoon, Harriet and Ted played together beautifully.  I have no idea what it was they were playing, but they did so in the front room with the babies and the tea set for an hour or so - it was amazing!  I may actually complete this skirt, miracle of miracles.

I had to laugh - at one point Ted asked me to be the doctor in his game, because, direct quote following, "I just don't have enough doctors in my life".  Harriet lost it.  She laughed so hard she literally nearly fell off her chair.

Yep, it was a weird day.

ps - I finished my skirt and the zipper worked.  Woot!  It's not pretty for sure, but I now have a skirt that looks like a real skirt.  I'll post photos tomorrow.  *little dance of joy*

1 comment:

jay said...

Oh that skirt, I can't wait to see it and then I can make it's sister skirts, hey i think i might need to phone ahead for outfits snaps before i head to sydney again! What a day you had, phew, think i might re read just to make sure i didn't miss anything.