Wednesday, May 02, 2012

The Post Where Ted Sleeps

It's all chess, chess, chess around here at the moment.  The other day I had to blink a little in surprise at the fact we had one three year old in the playroom playing his violin, and one six year old embroiled in the world of chess in the dining room.  It all felt a little surreal.  Tonight was a tricky evening and at one point James said to me in a quiet moment "Sorry about Edward and Harriet" to which I replied "It sounds like a Jane Austen novel, but reads more like a Ray Bradbury thriller".  

So as lovely and harmonious as that sounds, it was a short period of high falutin' intemahlectual pursuits there, amongst a lovely morass of crazy real life stuff.

So Ted started back at preschool for his two day stint.  I'm going to keep picking him up at lunchtime for this term, but hopefully move into full days in Term three, fingers crossed.  On Monday I got the chance to pin and cut the pattern for my next skirt (you know, the tedious bit).  But by the time I clean, cook dinner and do the washing (blimey, the washing!  How many dirty clothes can one family produce?!), there's probably about an hour at most left for me to write emails, browse the net, or work on any little projects I have going at the time.

He has been enjoying preschool much more than last term so far.  Of course he still screams when I drop him off, but to put that in context - he screams when I leave home and he is with James and Harriet in his own house.  Sometimes he doesn't calm down for quite a while after I leave but I don't think it's unreasonable for me to have the odd couple of hours away from him at this age.  I need some sanity producing time and I know he's in safe hands with James!

And he loves preschool once he calms down.  He excitedly puts his backpack on each morning, happily waits outside the classroom, runs in to say hello, engages with all the teachers, and looks excitedly at what's on the tables for the children to play with that day.  However the moment of separation is where the anxiety is all at and poor little mite does just get so sad when we say goodbye to each other.  This is him all crashed out on the cushions after Monday's morning at preschool.  He didn't stir from being moved from the car to the cushion!

Today we had a walk up to Marrickville and chowed down on a delicious cheese and pickle sandwich from Cornersmith.  YUM!  Teddy insisted on bringing his new PlanetBox which he ate from, but not even the PlanetBox love could deter him from the cheesy yumminess. 

And speaking of food, I had a dinner fail yesterday with the honey baked lentils with rice.  Ted devoured them, however they were too sweet for James and Harriet.  So today I mixed the too sweet lentils with some salt, besan flour, a few eggs, mint, basil, and of course grated beetroot (because everything is better with beetroot).

Lo and behold, a winner!  Served with yoghurt or sour cream and served with some incredible fried tiny brussel sprouts we picked up an hour previously in our organic box, it was delicious.  I love it when I can wrangle two meals out of one.  Now I just have to work out a way to use the rice bake that was a bit too bland from Monday.  Any ideas?

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