Saturday, December 02, 2006

Big People's Post

Well as most of you will know from personal email, we are the very happy owners of a house! Unfortunately the agent has already taken down the link from, but in short it is a 2 bedroom single storey freestanding house with three living areas, grassy backyard with paved area for a table and a huge shed, walk in pantry, modern laundry, separate toilet, built-ins in main bedroom, yadda yadda yadda. You'll see it when we have the houewarming! We have to rip up the carpet in the front half of the house and polish the floorboards underneath, as well as get painters in to paint it throughout and a dishwasher installed, but we are really, really happy with it! We plan to move in early February 2007 with everything already done to it prior to the move.

James and I also celebrated the first of our two ten year wedding anniversaries - yes, we had two weddings! I received some absolutely STUNNING long stemmed roses, champagne, chocolates. Ahhh, it's a hard life.

So we have a few things to catch up on what with our absence from blogspot for almost two weeks. Never fear, I shall attempt to make a marathon effort over this weekend to bring you all up to speed (since I know you are just gagging for more info on the lovely Miss H).

1 comment:

No one said...

Oh yay!!! Congrats on the house, sounds fab!