Thursday, September 07, 2006

The Bread Challenge

We went on a visit to see Aunty Georgia yesterday. I took along a cornucopia of toys, including about three books, her trolley (see previous entry for more scintillating information on the trolley experience) , stacking cups and more.

When we got there, Georgia managed to refrain from smacking Harriet's head on the concrete (running joke - every time we've seen Georgia, she has happened to be near Harriet as she stacks it or hurts herself in some way!). And of course she wasn't interested in any of the toys. No no no, there was the very exciting SUGAR JAR and PLATE to be examined! It's awesome to see just how the everyday becomes something fascinating when you're a baby.

Even more exciting was the presence of a big pide. Yum! While us adults feigned civility and broke off strips to daintily dip into the babbaganoush, Harriet ditched all notion of superego and dove straight into it, grappling with its size admirably. She took some nice moist mouthfuls and even left us some saliva too, just so we could experience the bread in the way Harriet was.

Try as she might, Harry is still searching for her soulmate cat. Squeezmo comes pretty close but we were hoping that Micky (Georgia's DSH) might let her come in for the kill. No Way! Micky is no fool. Harry was actually patting him quite calmly on the bed but she got all excited and offered him her doll (called, strangely enough, 'Doll'). Unfortunately 'offering Doll' meant swinging the plastic head in a wide arc towards Micky and he went scrambling off the bed and ran outside. After that every time Harry went toddling off towards either Teddy or Micky, they made a beeline for the furthermost point of the backyard.

So in order to make up for the lack of feline fun, Aunty Georgia stepped up to the plate and offered some awesome upside down fun - Harriet's favourite! If there's any sor of fun to be had, it's always going to be better if it's upside down. Maybe she's going to be a trapeze artist?


No one said...

"ditching all notions of superego", Hahahahahaha, love it! Grab the world by both hands, sounds like a plan, Harriet!

Anonymous said...

oh god I've missed the installments over the last few days and I'm stunned to hear I'm wanting another baby !!! Can't I just borrow one ??? What the hell can I expect when I'm off line for 3weeks ?? Should I try & buy a baby in Europe ??? Help Harriet your parents are insane ;-)
xx Lis
ps can I have a cute, cuddley, crazy, champagne guzzling one like Harry ?